Meet Our Farmers

Dingley Cove Oysters

We are a small family owned farm growing hand selected oysters in surface cages in the cool nutrient rich waters of the New Meadows River. They are tumbled and sorted several times before reaching your palate. This is done to encourage a cup shape to the shell and to improve the meat to shell ratio.

Peter Rand

Back in 2015 Peter thought it might be fun to try to grow some oysters. Some mistakes were made. For example these trays of tiny seed that required a great deal of tending. Fortunately, several approaches were tried simultaneously and methods improved resulting in a fabulous oyster!

Pete Sr.

The captain and oyster lover. Dad has been foundational and inspirational to the creation of Dingley Cove Oysters. He is a wise advisor, skilled waterman and huge benefactor. The detailed markings on all of our bouys is his handy work. Here he is rowing our gear into position our very first year.

Melanie Rand

Always helpful, always encouraging, my patient and wonderful bride.

Dave Crabtree "Crabber"

Dave is an inspiration, enthusiastic in the face of adversity....and we have had adversity!

Lia Rand

She sets the pace.... and you had better keep up!

David Clark

On the left... A life long friend who knows how to do a little bit of everything. David has donated his time generously despite the muck involved.

Caleb Rand

Our cage monkey - which is a compliment. Someone willing, able and light enough to hop on a cage like this and take care of business is invaluable in our operation. It seems like he enjoys it too.

Elizabeth and Scott

Our talented epicures who are themselves a bit salty with a sweet finish.


Confused as to why we spend so much time on a raft...No squirrels.